
“If the butterfly still thinks it is a caterpillar, it will never fly.” -Nathaniel White

"Never fear failure. Fear not having given it your all." - Steve Hutchinson (at his Hall of Fame speech for the NFL)

“We need to get rid of the notion that prominence is the definition of significance - prominence happens to a few people but significance is for everyone.” -Jack Hayford

12 of the dumbest ways people reason: (by Kris Vallotton)

1-Relative righteousness ; I am better than so and so, therefore I am good.

2-I justify a bad thing by comparing it to something worse.

3- I feel sorry for myself and hope for a rescuer instead of putting my faith in my Redeemer.

4- Nobody made me- I am a cosmic accident. Why is it that you can have a ridiculous theory, add a billion years to it, and suddenly it all makes perfect sense?

5- I think sex will make me happy. Well if that’s true then prostitutes should be ecstatic!

6- I only turn to God when I am in a crisis and then wonder why my entire life is a series of crises.

7- I don’t have enough money to buy what I want, so I blow the money I have on crap.

8- I somehow convince myself that my problem will go away if I ignore it long enough.

9- I buy things I can’t afford on a credit card that consequently has a outrageous interest rate.

10- I don’t know how to say NO to people and I can’t understand why my life feels out of control.

11- I over promise and under perform and wonder why no one trusts me.

12- I wait for other people to invite me over and can’t figure out why I am so lonely.”

Paul Rapley