Thank you very much for partnering with me as I seek to fulfill the Great Commission. I believe God supplies my needs as I’m in ministry and part of that provision is met through each person that the Lord leads to partner with me regularly through prayer and financial support. I welcome regular and occasional gifts. When you donate, you will receive a free digital copy of my teaching CD “God Wants to Heal the Sick Through You!” Note: you will be redirected to it after giving.

Note: All gifts and donations are tax deductible in the United States

Monthly Recurring Donation

Amount you would like to donate monthly:


Donate To 3rd World Missions Trips

One Time Donation To Paul Rapley


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To Donate By Check

Make your checks to Metro Church Windsor

Send to the address:

Jeanie Barnett On Behalf of Paul Rapley of Metro Church Windsor

94 Tarman Drive,

Cloverdale, CA 95425